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Datum: 05.10.2009 14:39
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Kommentare: 95
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Loin de reprsenter une rupture avec un pass humaniste, la guerre des Balkans de 1999 annonce la rsurgence virulente des caractristiques des plus malignes de l'poque imprialiste: la lgitimation de l'usage brutal d'une puissance militaire crasante contre de petits tats afin de poursuivre les intrts stratgiques des grandes puissances , la violation cynique du principe de la souverainet nationale, le rtablissement de facto des formes colonialistes d'assujettissement, et la rsurrection des antagonismes interimprialistes porteurs des germes d'une nouvelle guerre mondiale. Loin d'avoir t exorciss par la bourgeoisie internationale, les dmons de l'imprialisme qui se sont rveills pour la premire fois au dbut du XXe sicle hantent toujours l'humanit l'aube du XXIe sicle.
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The theatre of the mind is a well used psychological concept, a kind of personalized movie. In this context, it's easy to see how the notion of a universal hero experienced vicariously by ordinary people took off and gained hold in the collective psyche. Indick believed that the modern superhero derived primarily from comic book combined classical Greco Roman traditions with Judeo Christian ones to make heroes empowered with 'super' abilities, yet flawed with human frailties.
She said tickets for the Oprah Winfrey show were primarily purchased by local people about 60 to 70 per cent. But many tickets were purchased from outside the city 10 per cent from Edmonton and northern Alberta; 10 per cent from Saskatchewan; eight per cent from Red Deer and southern Alberta; and five per cent from the United States.
That makes recent budget votes a landmark of ineffective governance. Not a single Republican in the House or Senate were in support, largely because the Democratic majority forced its will. Republicans were flattened, not consulted. Democratic leaders talk of enacting controversial elements of the budget through the reconciliation process which would require 51 Senate votes, not the normal 60, for passage. Only in Washington would the word "reconciliation" refer to a form of partisan warfare.
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